🚨 AI Gone Rogue: Your Docs Aren't Safe (and Apple's Shocking Move)

Google's AI spies, OpenAI finds its voice, and Apple rewrites the open-source rulebook

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Data privacy in the field of AI is just like life. It keeps getting worse more interesting.

In this read

  • Gemini is spying on your docs

  • Groq made LlaMA3 stronger

  • OpenAI's voice mode is coming

  • Apple did what Meta couldn't

Let’s see what’s up.

Let’s start with the dubious one.

Twitter user Kevin Bankston got a shock when Google's Gemini AI decided to play unsolicited tax advisor. Opening his tax return in Google Docs triggered Gemini to summarize it without permission. Yikes! 🤯 

The kicker? Bankston couldn't find any settings to turn this off, even after a 15-minute deep dive.

This incident is a stark reminder of why we need to push for open-source alternatives and true data ownership. After all, your tax returns should be your business, not an AI's afternoon read.

  • Two versions: 70B and 8B

  • Open-source and specialized for function calling

  • 70B model tops the Berkeley Function Calling Leaderboard 📈 

Why should developers care:

  • Excels at function calling, API interactions, and data manipulation

  • Ideal for programming tasks and dev tools 🤖 

  • Not for general use - part of a hybrid AI approach

These models are like having a coding assistant on steroids, but remember - they're not your everyday chatbots. They're the specialized tools you bring out when you need precision in development tasks.

[Insert talking AI gif]

Finally, we have some good news from OpenAI too.

  • OpenAI's voice assistant alpha: Coming this month

  • General availability: Not far behind

Why I'm intrigued:

  • God knows I hate typing

  • Prompt engineering made easy through natural conversation

  • AI accessibility gets a major boost

Think about it: no more wrestling with the perfect text prompt. Just chat with your AI like you would with a very socially inept colleague.

This could be the key to even wider adoption of AI, particularly with the elderly or disabled.

As someone who's been in the trenches of AI development, I'm curious to see how this shapes our interaction with these tools. What new possibilities do you see opening up?

Drop your thoughts in the comments (or reply to this email) 👇️ 

Apple just threw its hat into the open-source AI ring, and it's making waves:

  • Released a 7B model outperforming Mistral 7B

  • Fully open-sourced, including the pretraining dataset

Why this is a big deal:

  • Rare move: A tech giant going fully open source 😲 

  • Sets a new benchmark for transparency in AI

  • Could accelerate innovation and collaboration 🚅 

As someone who's been tracking the open-source AI, I'm both surprised and excited.

This move by Apple represents the gold standard of openness - what I call "open models" in the spectrum of AI open source.

While many companies have been playing in the "open weights" or "restricted weights" sandbox, Apple's full disclosure, including the pretraining dataset, is a game-changer. It's like they've handed over not just the cake, but the entire recipe and the kitchen.

But the question remains: will other tech giants follow suit, or will the costs of true open source in AI keep it a rare feat? 🤔 

That's all for this edition, Guardians!

Until next time, keep your AIs close and your data closer!

P.S. If you found these insights valuable, share them with your fellow AI enthusiasts. Let's grow this community of informed guardians together!


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