AI Revolution: From Chips to Code - The Future is Now

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Your Brilliant Business Idea Just Got a New Best Friend

Got a business idea? Any idea? We're not picky. Big, small, "I thought of this in the shower" type stuff–we want it all. Whether you're dreaming of building an empire or just figuring out how to stop shuffling spreadsheets, we're here for it.

Our AI Ideas Generator asks you 3 questions and emails you a custom-built report of AI-powered solutions unique to your business.

Imagine having a hyper-intelligent, never-sleeps, doesn't-need-coffee AI solutions machine at your beck and call. That's our AI Ideas Generator. It takes your business conundrum, shakes it up with some LLM magic and–voila!--emails you a bespoke report of AI-powered solutions.

Outsmart, Outpace, Outdo: Whether you're aiming to leapfrog the competition or just be best-in-class in your industry, our custom AI solutions have you covered.

Read Time: 5 mins


We're back with another exciting edition!

In this read:

  1. Etched: The New David vs. Goliath in AI Chips

  2. AI Code Generation: From Concept to MVP at Warp Speed

  3. Anthropic's "Projects": A Game-Changer?

  4. Bonus: Craft Stunning Frontends with a Single Prompt

Let's dive in, shall we?

Etched: The New David vs. Goliath in AI Chips

A bunch of Harvard dropouts just raised a cool $120 million to take on the Goliath of AI chips - Nvidia. Their startup, Etched, is launching a custom chip called Sohu, and it's not just another piece of silicon.

Here's the lowdown:

  • Sohu is purpose-built for transformer models (you know, the backbone of most AI these days)

  • It's FAST - we're talking 500,000+ tokens per second on Llama 70B

  • Way faster than Nvidia's upcoming “top-of-the-line” GPU, the GB200

  • They're betting big on transformers dominating AI for years to come

This could be a game-changer, folks. Faster inference means quicker AI responses, more efficient training, and who knows what else. Keep your eyes on Etched!

P.S: Groq is currently the leader in the inference speed aspect, but it doesn’t have any plans to sell it’s GPUs to the best of my knowledge.

AI Code Generation: Concept to MVP at AI-Speed

Remember when coding an app took days or weeks? Well, welcome to the future! I made a video showing AI coding an entire application in a few minutes (it’s pretty basic for a developer, and is also missing a backend. I was too lazy to go through that).

You can watch it here: 

But wait, there's more! Claude 3.5 Sonnet's new Artifacts feature is taking this to a whole new level. Creating a "micro viable product" is now easier than ever. Don't believe me?

See for yourself: 

The line between idea and implementation is getting blurrier by the day. Exciting times!

Anthropic's "Projects": Will this be the final nail in OpenAI’s coffin?

Anthropic, the brilliant minds behind Claude, are shaking things up again. They've just unveiled "Projects," which sounds suspiciously similar to OpenAI's CustomGPTs in ChatGPT. Could this be the next big leap in tailored AI experiences? Only time will tell, but color us intrigued!

Check this for more info: Collaborate with Claude on Projects

Craft Stunning Frontends with a Single Prompt

For all you frontend enthusiasts (or those who break out in hives at the thought of CSS), here's a treat:

This nifty tool lets you generate sleek user interfaces using just a single phrase as a prompt. Of course, for you power users out there, you can always dive deeper with more advanced prompts. Who said building beautiful UIs had to be hard? People (and myself) have been using it to create landing pages, full-fledged UI’s for apps. I’ll share some of the things I’ve used it for in the future, once those projects are live.

That's all for this edition, Guardians! Keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI, and never stop learning. Until next time, stay curious and keep innovating!

P.S. If you're loving these insights, don't forget to share with your fellow AI enthusiasts. Let's grow this community together!


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