Ever wondered what really happens behind a product launch?

Witness the birth (or death) of LiGo

Short Story for the impatient ones:

In the next three weeks, I am going to share with you, very transparently (& shamelessly), the marketing strategy we are going to use for LiGo and the results of each campaign. You will get a front-row seat to either the story of a hero (LiGo) that wins against all odds, or a massive failure. Probably the only movie you’ll watch this century where no character has a plot armor (just like real life).

Junaid Khalid

Here’s how you should think when reading the next editions to get the maximum value out of them:

  1. What things worked for LiGo (by Ertiqah)?

  2. What failed miserably?

  3. Could I use any of these individual campaign for a product idea that I have?

  4. Help! All of you have either engineering, marketing, sales, or startup experience - if you find any gaps in our strategy, or the product - and have any recommendations on what else we should target, or what you think we might be doing wrong - please share. I love feedback and raw thoughts, my favorite professionals are devil’s advocates.

Quick Background: One product is in the Minimum Sellable Product Stage now. We are now working on the marketing strategy and launch.

Below this line is the long version, read it if you want, otherwise, I’d still highly recommend to scroll to the bottom, and see the “timeline”.

Long Story for those born before the year 2000:

LiGo is a catchy name that makes no sense, but sounds like Lego - so it’s easy to remember. I like unique and weird names (bad news for my future offsprings 😔). To force a connection, our official story of course would be: It stands for “LInkedinGrOwth”. Makes absolutely no sense, but lets run with it.

But anyways, this isn’t a marketing email - so I’m not going into what the product does, etc. You’ll eventually find out one way or another through some other channel.

Since you’re the patient ones, check these guys out:

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But I do want to share with you the backstory:

I've been active on the newsletter front and LinkedIn, but I've been pretty hush-hush about the product itself (&YouTube).

Is that a marketing sin? Probably.

Am I going to do better with our next products? Probably not.

I went into full-on engineering mode. Why? Because:

  1. We (okay, just Rassam) were laying the foundation with our LinkedIn cohort (you awesome folks).

  2. Creating videos takes time, and so does building a product. Something had to give.

I'm a "focus on one thing and crush it" kind of guy. Multitasking? That's a myth, imho. Humans are wired to deliver quality results in one direction at a time. So, I lasered in on the engineering side.

In just 3 weeks of coding (shoutout to AI for being my trusty sidekick), we've got a solid MVP – scratch that – a Minimum Sellable Product (MSP) almost ready to roll. I’m just now just putting the finishing touches, and Rassam is working on the landing page and a few other bits for our stealth mode launch.

What’s Next?

From September 15th onwards, it's all marketing, all the time.

I’m going to share it all – the good, the bad, and the "what were we thinking?" moments. Expect transparent results, metrics, and a brutally honest look at what worked and what flopped. Some of it might also make it to LinkedIn, but most probably won’t (a decision for another time).

P.S: For those of you who don’t know, at the start of this year - I started a failure counter (Current value: 23). That’s my success parameter for this year. The higher it is, the better.

Growth is launching another free workshop - give it a quick look to see if this is something that would be valuable for you:

Transform the way you run your business using AI (Extended Labour day Sale)💰

Imagine a future where your business runs like a well-oiled machine, effortlessly growing and thriving while you focus on what truly matters.
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🗓️ Tomorrow | ⏱️ 10 AM EST

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Here’s the rough timeline we’ve finalized:

  • 15th September (give or take): Soft, private launch (Reddit & Facebook Groups).
    Goal: Get some initial users, and metrics like.. how many people are interested - how many view the landing page, what % signs up, what % turns into paid customers, etc. Plus, get some quick feedback, and potentially link the roadmap with user demands, rather than “Oh, I think this feature would be sexyyy!”.
    Ends at: 1st October. Maybe 7th, because I’m going to be super busy in some personal stuff that whole week. We’ll see.

  • 1st October (or 7th): Public launch and recurring marketing via YouTube + LinkedIn + Instagram & TikTok. We will be preparing material for that in advance.
    Goal: This will … never stop. Unless no one signs up for LiGo at all (huge loss for LiGo, big win for my failure counter, lol).

  • 15th November: I personally will be preparing an SEO optimized list of blog posts that will support long-term organic reach of LiGo. Might do it earlier, we’ll see - I just have a long pile of YouTube videos to create, and the influencers are starting to catch up to me 😔 (they’ve always usually been at least 2 months behind).

That’s pretty much it.

P.S. If you're not following me on LinkedIn or subscribed to my YouTube channel yet, it’s probably for a good reason. Keep it that way, you absolute legend!

Catch you on the flip side,



or to participate.