No leads from your MSP site? Try this hack

The 5-Minute SEO Hack That's Transforming An MSP's Website (And Could Transform Yours Too)

Earlier this week, I had an interesting chat with John (not his real name), an MSP owner from Ohio, US. We got to talking about websites and lead generation, and he shared something that might resonate with you... but before that, quick overview.

In this newsletter:

  • Why John's website never gets him any leads ⁉️ 

  • Claude - the OG 🕵️ 

  • Your SEO-Optimized Blog Post Prompt

  • How to Use It (Step-by-Step)

  • The Content Ideas Secret Weapon

  • Join the Experiment!

  • Coming Next Week: The cheapest Chief Marketing Officer in the World 💯 

So, as I was saying... John (!), the MSP owner from Ohio shared something that might resonate with you:

"Our website? It's there, but it's not really doing much for us. We haven't seen any leads come through it."
(That's because it doesn't get any visitors John...)

When I asked about his blog, John's response was pretty candid.

"Blogging? Between running the business and keeping up with tech, who has time for that? And outsourcing that would be expensive".

Owner of an MSP with 50-60 employees

I bet a few of you are nodding along right now.

Creating content consistently, especially when you're wearing multiple hats, can feel like an uphill battle but:

You won’t get leads from your website, if you don’t have an active SEO-optimized blog to bring the audience to your website.

But here's the thing: John's situation isn't unique, and it's not hopeless either. In fact, there's a practical way to turn this around without breaking the bank.

Today, I want to share a straightforward approach that I shared with John (and could help you) create SEO-optimized blog posts in a fraction of the time it usually takes.

It's not a magic bullet, but it's a powerful tool when used right (I'll show you an example too).

👉️ Now, you might be thinking, "Great, another AI solution." But hear me out.

This isn't about replacing your expertise or churning out generic content. It's about leveraging a specific LLM to get more visitors to your website without spending hours writing a blog post.

Enter Claude.

ChatGPT sounds robotic, Gemini sounds .. stup*d.

No, not just any AI. Not ChatGPT, not Gemini, not a vague "LLM." Specifically Claude. Why?

Because when it comes to content writing, especially for technical fields (like John's MSP business), Claude has consistently outperformed other AI tools in my experience (since they released the Claude "Opus" variant).

ChatGPT sounds robotic, Gemini sounds .. stup*d.

But anyways. Lets get to it.

⚠️ Attention: Check this out

I don’t like ChatGPT but these guys can make it actually useful. So if you’re on the ropes about learning prompt engineering, give it a try.

AI & ChatGPT Mini Crash Course - Eliminate workplace burnout & save 16+ hours every week. Learn 20+ AI tools, prompting techniques & hacks for free.

Prompt for SEO-optimized blog posts

Here's the prompt I shared with John to help him create SEO-optimized blog posts:

(Copy it somewhere for later).


Create an SE0-optimized, actionable, and value-driven blog post based on the information provide under the “Input Fields” section.

Input Fields

Target Audience: [Describe your target audience, including demographics, interests, and pain points]

Topic of the Blog Post: [Provide the main topic or subject of your blog post]

Keywords for SEO Optimization: [List 3-5 primary keywords and 2-3 secondary keywords]

Goal: [Specify the primary goal, e.g., get more meetings, increase email subscribers, book more demos, or grow newsletter subscriptions]

Personal Insights: [Write a short paragraph about any personal experiences, anecdotes, or unique perspectives you'd like to include in the post]

Output Format

Length: 800 to 1200 words

Format: Markdown

Structure: Use headings (H1, H2, H3) and proper sections

Instructions for Writing a Great Blog Post


Create an attention-grabbing title that includes your primary keyword

Keep it under 60 characters for optimal SEO

Make it clear, concise, and compelling


Start with a hook that resonates with your target audience

Clearly state the problem or question your blog post will address

Include your primary keyword naturally in the first paragraph

Provide a brief overview of what readers will learn from the post


Divide the content into 3-5 main sections using H2 headings

Use H3 subheadings for subsections when necessary

Incorporate primary and secondary keywords naturally throughout the content

Use bullet points or numbered lists for easy readability

Include relevant statistics, examples, or case studies to support your points

Address the pain points and interests of your target audience

Provide actionable advice or solutions related to the topic

Personal Insights:

Integrate your personal experiences or unique perspectives seamlessly into the content

Use anecdotes to illustrate key points and make the post more engaging (if they have been provided in the “Input Fields” section).

Ensure that personal insights add value and relate to the target audience's needs


Suggest 2-3 places where relevant images, infographics, or videos could be added

Provide alt text for images, incorporating keywords when appropriate

Call-to-Action (CTA):

Include a clear and compelling CTA that aligns with your specified goal

Place the primary CTA towards the end of the post

Consider adding a secondary CTA in the middle of the content if appropriate


Summarize the main points of the blog post

Reinforce the value provided to the reader

Encourage engagement by asking a question or prompting readers to share their thoughts

Meta Description:

Write a compelling meta description of 150-160 characters

Include your primary keyword and a clear benefit for the reader

SEO Optimization:

Use your primary keyword in the first 100 words

Include keywords in H2 and H3 headings where natural

Aim for a keyword density of 1-2% for your primary keyword

Link to 2-3 relevant internal pages or posts

Suggest 1-2 high-quality external links to authoritative sources


Use short paragraphs (3-4 sentences max)

Vary sentence length to maintain reader interest

Use transition words to improve flow between sections

Employ active voice and conversational tone

Ensure the content is accessible to your target audience's knowledge level


Check for grammar and spelling errors

Ensure consistency in style and formatting

Verify that all facts and statistics are accurate and properly cited

By following these instructions, you'll create an SEO-optimized blog post that engages your target audience, addresses their needs, and helps achieve your specified goal while maintaining readability and providing value.

You can see an example of the depth of detail you should ideally feed in the above fields in this video:

Pro Tip: Use XML tags to segregate sections in a prompt. For instance, <Task> [All the text under the "Task" heading] </Task>. It helps the LLM understand and segment the request better.

How to Use This Prompt:

Pro Tip: To add your brand’s voice to it, you can add an “examples” section in the prompt, and provide it previous blog posts from your website.

... There's a But

But creating content is only half the battle. Knowing what to write about is equally crucial.

That's why I also shared with John a prompt for generating content ideas tailored to his niche. (I'll be sharing this prompt with you in the coming weeks, but if you're eager to get started, just reply to this email, and I'll send it your way.)

Here's the final result by Claude using this prompt:

You can find the “target audience, topic details” info, etc. in this video:

The Real Test

Now, here's the thing – all of this sounds great in theory, but the real question is: Will it work? Will John actually use these prompts and see results?

💡 I've challenged John to give this a try for the next 2 months.

If he follows through, I'll share an update on how his situation has changed. Real results, no fluff.

Your Turn

It might just be the tool you need to jumpstart your content marketing without overwhelming your schedule.

Why not join John in this experiment? Try the prompt I've shared above for your next blog post. It might just be the tool you need to jumpstart your content marketing without overwhelming your schedule.

Consistency is key in SEO. Even one quality post a week can start to move the needle.

I'm curious to hear how this works for you. If you give it a shot, hit reply and let me know your results. And if you run into any snags, I'm here to help 🙂 

Here's to turning those digital paperweights into lead-generating machines – one blog post at a time.

Until next week, Junaid

P.S. Want that content idea generation prompt right away? Just reply with "Ideas, please!" and I'll send it over.

Coming Next Week:

Being a startup, we are cash-strapped (I guess you can relate?). We can't hire an expensive Chief Marketing Officer at this stage, but I think we might just have found a great match (for a very reasonable price point). I'll share more details next week.

Hint: I ... created him.


or to participate.