A Week's Worth of Content in Just 2 Hours

Practical Tips for Consistent Content Creation

The world's spinning faster than ever. AI's evolving, jobs are vanishing, and no one knows what the future has in store.

If you're doing a job, you could get laid off any time 🤷 

If you're a business owner or a solopreneur, your business could be automated any day.

But the one thing AI can't take away from you: Your personal brand.

A personal brand is just two things:

  1. What do people say about you

  2. How many people are saying that about you

Put simply:

it's about influencing both the quality and quantity of people's opinions about you.

Establish yourself as a trusted authority, and customers will flock to you, regardless of what you're offering in your niche.

Your reputation sticks around, unless you mess it up yourself. But building it? That's the hard part.

Here's what we're covering today:

  1. Our daily content creation system

  2. How we make a week's content in 2 hours

  3. The tools we use

  4. How you can do it too

Let's get into it.

The two pillars of personal branding

  • Idea Generation: How we never run out of stuff to say

  • Content System: Turning ideas into posts without losing our minds

Simple, but not easy. Let's break it down.

How to get a steady stream of ideas

You surf the web and browse social media everyday.

Here's how you can turn that daily habit into an idea generation machine:

Here's how it works:

  1. Web Browsing with Perplexity: As we surf the web, we use the Perplexity Chrome Extension to summarize interesting articles instantly. This gives us quick insights without getting lost in the details.

  2. Twitter Curation: We maintain Twitter lists of thought leaders in our field. This provides a constant stream of fresh, relevant ideas.

  3. Obsidian as Idea Repository: All these summaries and ideas go straight into Obsidian. You can use any other note-taking app of your choice but make sure to organize by topic, making it easy to find inspiration when you need it. Follow the PARA method if you're stuck.

  4. AI-Assisted Ideation: We feed the content stored in Obsidian to Claude, which help us generate even more content ideas based on our curated information.

Pro Tip: Set aside 30 minutes daily for this process. Consistency is key!

How to post daily without too much grunt work

Once you have the ideas shortlisted, the hard part is organizing the content into a calendar.

You can use any calendar of your choice. We recommend using ClickUp or Notion (the latter, especially if you're solo).

Follow the process below to populate that calendar:

  1. 1-3-5 Framework: We create one pillar piece of content (like this newsletter) and extract three core ideas from it. Then, for each core idea, we create five pieces of micro-content:

    • Two short, written posts

    • One short-form video (60 seconds or less)

    • One carousel post (5-10 slides)

    • One poll or question post This gives us 16 pieces of content (1 pillar + 3 core ideas x 5 micro pieces each) from a single comprehensive piece.

  2. Taplio and AuthoredUp: We use Taplio to optimize our LinkedIn content and AuthoredUp to enhance our posts with advanced formatting.

  3. ClickUp for Scheduling: All our content goes into ClickUp, where we schedule it for the optimal posting times.

  4. Publish and Engage: Once published, we make sure to engage with our audience, responding to comments and fostering discussions. Do this 30 mins before and after posting, especially on Linkedin.

Pro Tip: Batch your content creation. Spend 90 minutes once a week creating all your content for the next 7 days.

How did it work out for us

Using this system, we create a full week's worth of content for LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube in under 2 hours.

The catch, of course, is spending 30 mins daily on scrolling & engaging. But you’re already doing that 🙂 

But we're not stopping here

We're currently building a product that integrates all these steps into one seamless process.

Imagine going from idea to scheduled posts across multiple platforms in just a few clicks.

We're running exclusive pilots with a small cohort of 10 motivated creators. If you want in:

  1. Reply to this email with "pilot"

  2. We'll reach out to schedule a personalized demo

  3. If it's a good fit, you'll get to shape the final product

Spots are limited, so don't wait.

Putting it all together

This diagram shows our entire process, from initial idea discovery to final publication.

It's the secret behind our ability to maintain a strong, consistent personal brand without burning out.

And we just gave it away. For free.

Because we’re going to monetize it in the product. Duh. Anyways.

Remember, your personal brand is your most valuable asset. Start building it today, and you'll be ready for whatever the future holds.

See ya next time!

Got a friend who needs to build a personal brand but won’t stop procrastinating?

Share the newsletter using the link below and earn referral points (there will be rewards .. .not yet, but in the future, promise 😉 )


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